Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finally Giving In...

So here I am finally dedicating to a blog.  I remember when first started years ago, and I created an account, wrote a few, then just didn't keep up with it.  I was still in college at AIA, and didn't think I could even attempt to talk about anything with web design.  I think I wrote about my thoughts about web design while being in school.  So here I am today, trying to log into my old account, with what I thought was my username and pass years later.  So it smartly made a new account for me.  Either they weed out unused accounts over a period of time, or I logged in with the wrong username and pass.  Anyway, enough of the intro, here I am.

So about the giving in part.  Maybe "giving in" isn't the right phrase.  It should be "Trying this thing out again".  What inspired me to do this?  I watched a recent interview online by Jeffrey Zeldman (net legend and one of all of us), interviewed by Big Think.  Have no idea who Big Think is, but should be a well known web design magazine with clout to get him to sit down and talk at the level he is now.  So I have been following Mr. Z since my college years in 2000 (as I will call him from here on out, maybe).  But Mr. Z was around since the beginning of the rush of the internet, who ran with it, and was enthusiastic and even now still "one of us", (meaning, has always had an interest and passion for web standards for a wide range of people to see on that website), which means "websites should be able to be viewed by anybody, with any browser, and be able to see what they need to see on a website, whether they are searching for something in particular, to looking at a high-end company's website without not having enough installed on their own computer to be able to see everything available on that website.  See, websites are built with code.  Some coding and scripting to do amazing things require the end user (us) to view their website and see all the cool stuff they use to make things happen.  Which means interaction (the person going to that website and being able to view videos, click here and there on the website and get a personalized result based on user interaction with that website), and I could get into more, but that should be another blog entry. (I'm blogging for real now! Lol!)

Before I keep going, here's the summary:

1.  I knew about blogging when it first started but didn't stay with it
2. I saw interview online with Jeffery Zeldman (a.k.a. Mr. Z to me)
3. I've decided that I know enough now (feel comfortable in my experience with web design now) to start a blog and will keep up with it.
4. Hopefully someday I'll have an audience! (people regularly reading my blog)

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